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IEEE Developing Above 100GB Ethernet Standard 

Time: May11, 2011   Information Source: China's Information Industry Network

IEEE recently formed a new working team for exploring emerging 40GB per second and 100GB per second Ethernet working combination and the later various versions of Ethernet. The 802.3BA Ethernet bandwidth special assessment group is now collecting a wide range of data sources and will submit a report before June 2012.

So far, at least two groups have made a completely different future Ethernet recommendation. Google and Facebook etc. running a large data centers’ companies require launching Terabit ( Terabyte) grade Ethernet prior to the beginning of 2013 to handle the growth of mobile and video data. Component manufacturers made a more realistic proposal, that is the Ethernet of 400GB per second, only half of the speed.

The component designer said that the terabyte target is  unrealistic. Network industry is currently focused on serial port speed aspects to upgrade 10GB per second to 25GB per second, binding about 16 lines into a network is unrealistic. The latest important Ethernet standard 802.3ba formally approved on May, 2010 defines the 40GB and 100GB data rate.

Vice President Andrew Bach of NYSE Euronext Company in charge of communication and network infrastructure says the development of Ethernet standards should maintain the needs of  the real world ahead of the market,  so that the network architecture can support the growth in communication traffic, without a corresponding increase in operational costs and complexity.

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